Vulnerability Assessment

We systematically target & assess critical security vulnerabilities

Being proactive in finding security weaknesses within your network helps keep you one step ahead of ever-changing cybersecurity threats

Uncover, classify, and prioritize vulnerabilities in your network

Vulnerability Assessment

What are the benefits to an external Vulnerability Assessment

Detect Perimeter weaknesses
Identify your organization perimeter exposure before the attackers do

An inventoried list of all the internet facing exposures
Discover all internet facing visible IP devices in your network including security cameras, HVAC systems, forgotten decommissioned servers, etc.

A listing of perimeter vulnerabilities
A detailed color-coded list of Critical, High, Medium, and Low vulnerabilities and unsecured protocols for all external live static and dynamic IPs, ports and IP ranges.

Preparation for future upgrades
Helps you prepare a plan for the risks vs. benefit of optimizing your security investments and how to roll out your perimeter defense upgrades.

Our Approach Includes Four Key Phases

D2’s Vulnerability Assessments follow a 4-step process designed to identify and quantify weaknesses in your network perimeter, externally-facing systems, and web services. By implementing a series of manual and automated security tests, our team conducts a thorough scan of each internet-facing system within your organization. We carefully analyze any identified risk factors to uncover their sources and determine the potential harm they may cause. The results of this investigation are compiled into a detailed monthly report, which clearly describes, categorizes, and provides remediation actions for any unresolved exposures.


Vulnerability Identification

Through the use of automated scripts and scans, a comprehensive list of identified vulnerabilities and misconfigurations is compiled



We identify the sources and fundamental causes responsibly for the security threats uncovered in our scans


Risk Categorization

Vulnerabilities discovered are evaluated, prioritized, and rated on a severity scale of low, medium, high and critical



Our security team experts will convene to determine if mitigation or remediation is the best approach for each vulnerability identified.

Included as part of our Vulnerability Assessment service

Safe Thorough Results
Accurate Threat Profile

D2 uses cutting-edge vulnerability scanning technologies and a frequently updated threat database to provide clear and precise risk assessments.

Expert Professionals
Experienced Security Professionals

Prove your data security capabilities by allowing our certified Vulnerability Assessment team to use modern ethical hacking techniques against your network.

Custom Portal
Custom Reporting Portal

Access your detailed Vulnerability Assessment reports from our insight customized portal at any time, making it simple to review and analyze key data points.